OMG it’s Orli!!!

I just watched The Calcium Kid, a rather obscure British film starring Orlando Bloom.

It’s a mockumentary about a boxer (Orli) who, through an odd turn of events, finds himself boxing the world champion for the title. It’s a smallish movie which makes it even more endearing. This is easily my favorite role of Orlando’s (although, to be honest, I’ve only seen two other movies of his) and he plays the “everyguy” very well. I give it two thumbs up.

Just so there’s no doubt

In an effort to increase my Geek Level, I have decided to watch Stargate Atlantis henceforth known as SGA. I watched the first two eps (which may have been shown as one) and I have the rest ready to watch. It’s not a bad show at all.

How ’bout that!

A&E is showing Cosi RIGHT NOW! Why can I never find these things out in time to record them? Who would have thought it would air in the USA at all?!? I only missed the first 15 minutes, or so.

Oh, and why does Dave look better when he’s looking “goofy” than most men ever do? hmmmm.