Best and better

Whoo! Thanks, Ben for my gifts.
I now have Bravo Two Zero and Dust in my lust DVD collection. I also have a delicious hazelnut candle and a Donkey M&M bag. Thanks, Ben!! My eye seems to be a bit better today, and the doctor did not culture it after all. I go back Monday and hopefully the crevice will have filled in.

One Eyed Willie

Wish me luck, I’m off to the eye doctor for the 11th time in two weeks. Today I find out if he needs to culture it (ouch) and possibly refer me to a Corneal Transplant Unit. I’m really hoping it’s just a virus and it will clear up soon. Then again, if it is viral, I get to look forward to it happening again. *sigh* 🙄


Jerry OrbachI am truly saddened to learn of the death of one of my favorite actors, Jerry Orbach. Det. Brisco will forever be one of my favorite TV characters, and his turn in Delirious made a cute movie even cuter. I could never bring myself to watch Dirty Dancing, but I’ll bet he was great there, as well.