White Collar Me

I have a bad feeling about this….[cut text=”I’m the new Leona Helmsley”]

So I moved to NC in September of 1999. I lived there for about four years. TODAY, I received a letter about my 1999 taxes. They are trying to make me pay over $2000 in interest and fees for not paying my taxes in 1999. Well, I have several problems with this. I lived in Florida the majority of the year. There are no state taxes in FL. I don’t know how NC thinks they are allowed to tax me on my income from when I lived and worked in FL. It makes NO sense to me. There is NO WAY I made the income they are reporting– $25K from Sept. 13, 1999-Dec. 31, 1999, which is the period I lived/worked in NC. That is my total income for the year 1999 because I took off from May-September. Ugh. I have a gargantuan headache now just thinking about finding my old tax info. All of my personal belongings are in storage in NC. It would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I’m going to call the Observer and see if they’ll send my my old W-2. Then I’m going to sit around and still not know what to do. :x[/cut]

Two Guys and a Girl

This is going to be a very brief update. I am so sleepy that I can barely stay awake long enough to type two sentences. Went to Charleston to see Ben and meet his Jesse yesterday. They’re just about the perfect blend of similar/different in almost every way. I give it my full approval. 😉 After having Mexican, we went to the Dead Mall where I found a TTT Boromir, Captain of Gondor figure that I just :love::love::love:. I bought Hobbit a bunch of new toys and myself some jeans, magazines, and more Boromir toys in the form of AoME. We had Pizza Hut for dinner and then took the Entertainment Weekly trivia quizzes for Star Wars and general knowledge. Damn, we’re really smart. 😯 I’m sure I’ll have much more to say later, but for now, it’s naptime for me and Da Hob.