Babies and Trends and Stuff

Saturday was awesome. Todd and Cole’s baby shower was much fun and I’m pretty sure the baby is going to be the most stylin’ tot in the world. It was so good to see them again and I hope it won’t be such a long time before the next visit. Sunday was NOT awesome. I spent the day at a birthday party…for a ONE year old. Jeez, what exactly is the point of such a thing?!! I was roped into going with my mom to my cousin’s baby’s party. Yeah. Lame.

Moving on, I’ve started to notice some definite vidding trends in certain fandoms. Stargate SG-1 seems to be ruled by 70’s music. SGA is all about trying to “out-cool” the others. LOST is all about A/U. All of these trends have worn out their welcome as far as I’m concerned. Meh. This is not to say that some of the best vids I’ve seen haven’t sprung from these trends (ok, maybe not the SG-1 thing…), but when the whole fandom gets on that (or any) bandwagon, it just becomes a breeding ground of mediocrity. So I say, yes, bring back the simple stuff. Or not. Whatever floats your boat 🙂

What’s that sound?

Oh, that’s the sound of CRUNCH TIME! I have an assignment due by noon, and as always, I haven’t started it. Actually, I have started it, I just haven’t started writing it. Lucky for me, we have another snowday!

We had a snowday Monday and I had to attend the state ACT conference yesterday in Charleston (a big thank you to the ever wonderful for his hospitality and assistance and to for just being himself). To be granted this day off is really a blessing for me–I can actually do my work.

Once I get my paper done, I plan to have fun today *glances longingly at ‘s newest vid*. I can’t wait to see it, but I’m holding it as my reward for finishing my paper, so I’m waiting. Maybe. Hehehehe. Happy Hump Day, everyone!

Birthday Fun

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. It was a great day. Filled with drama, flowers, food, and family, how could it not be? I haven’t crossposted from my blog to LJ for awhile because the plugin I use to do so is broken. I’m trying a fix, so if you see this, I may post a little more often.

Happy Weekend!