Tick Tock

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of two totally different people and I don’t know which I’m more excited about: Narayan or Doctor Who. Hmm. Each has his plus points such as, well, Narayan is *real* and The Doctor doesn’t care if I clean my house for him. Come to think of it, Nar doesn’t care about that either. I guess Nar wins. Ooh, but The Doctor will be here first, so maybe he wins. Geez, it’s a toss up!

I started back on WW today. I’m glad I did, and I was a little sad to learn that I had gained back nearly 12 lbs. of the 35 I lost last time. Then again, it’s probably a miracle I didn’t gain it all back plus some! I have two buddies this time, one at home and one from work, so it should be a pretty easy process (as it was last time). Go me!

Tick. Tock.

[Edit: Unless Nar brings the spectacular, The Doctor wins. Oh yeah.]

[Second Edit: It’s 10:00pm. Nar is just now going through Jersey. He totally loses. 😆 ]

3 thoughts on “Tick Tock”

  1. I started to stop by and see you the other day when Chris and Burt went to play Golf at Princeton Elk 🙄
    We will probably be gone by the end of next week so i will definitely have to come see my best bud before i go!!
    Im hoping everything goes right and i get to come in and see OOTP with you 🙂

  2. Yikes! I guess it *is* the end of June already 😮 You have to make it up for the movie. Or else–I cry.

  3. Thats what i told C hris…
    He asked why i couldn’t watch it with him…i said because its just not the same..lol

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