Finishing up

Next week brings the Series 2 finale of Torchwood. I’ve accidentally run across some spoilers. Boo. I never minded spoilers in the past, and it’s because of spoilers that I’ve met some of the best people in the world (Todd & Cole). I purposely avoid spoilers for a few shows, and Torchwood is one of them. Boo. I’m so disappointed in myself.

School work continues. We just got a HUGE reprieve from one of our professors, and I no longer have to do the in vivo presentation I was dreading. Hurrah! My other class is going well, and the internship is coming along nicely, too. I do believe I will be finished (FOREVER) in a couple months. Whew!

Hmm, dunno.

I’m anti-drug so much it makes me ill just to think of drugs–even weed. That said, is it wrong that I can listen to The Dave Matthews Band for hours on end? Is it even worse that I can listen to “Satellite” alone for hours on end?

Not a lot going on around here, just work, homework, and waiting for my niece to arrive.  She’s due to come just about anytime now.  *Gah*


Lost was fantastic last night. It was unpredictable, non-manipulative, and exciting. Oh, wait, NO IT WASN’T! It was NONE of those things. It sucked. Again. Who in the free world didn’t predict that Michael was Ben’s man on the boat?!? The whole Jin/Sun thing was ruined by Juliet’s bitchline, and so help me, if I stick it out to the end of this show, I want cash reimbursement for my trouble.


Productivity, thy name is mine.  I shall now list my accomplishments for the week.

Wrote two papers and responded appropriately to others in one of my classes (whew!).

Caught up on all my shows including Torchwood (fun!), SGA (boring), Lost (sucks), Survivor (hurrah!)

Ordered Mom’s cookie cake for tomorrow

Gave Hobbit extra present of SuperScratcher (Awww)

Quite a bit of housework (finally).

And now, I have to go back and see what I’ve missed online, because I’ve managed to stay off all week.  Good for me!