Eureka’s On A Wild Ride

Season 1 of Eureka was fresh and innovative. The theme song and credits alone were the greatest thing on television. At its best Eureka stayed quirky and fun, at its worst, Eureka remained solid. Not too bad, if you ask me. Though I wasn’t the biggest fan of Season 3.5 (probably because Tess just doesn’t do it for me), Season 4 has come roaring onto the scene in no small manner.

Eureka (the town) has changed, possibly for the better, maybe for destruction. As a show, the change was more than a shot in the arm, it created a whole new world. The brilliant writers now have license to go in any direction with our beloved characters, even backward. This is the first GIANT manipulation that seems natural and doesn’t bother me; in fact, it intrigues me so much that I can’t wait for the next episode! The cast continues to impress me, even some of the new additions. Oddly enough, the SyFy Eureka site has pics from the original cast. However, there’s still no sign of Nathan, and I would have thought that this new guy from BSG would have been a major selling point for them. Whatever.

One of my complaints about the show has been the overemphasis on the personal and relationship matters, but now that time continuum issues are involved, I’m on board with the will they/won’t they for all the couples affected. Seeing Alison’s anguish over possibly losing her new-found connection with Kevin is heartbreaking, and don’t even get me started on Jo! Our poor Sheriff Carter has also found himself between a rock and a hard place. Jack? If you need anyone to break the bad news to your housemate, have SARAH give me a call. I’ll fill her in on the non-classified details.

Are You Happy (Town) Now?

Wow. Though I had one person tell me via Twitter that Happy Town has a HUGE following, as expected, it was canceled. The last two episodes can be seen online only, and I have seen them. Wow. Um. Yeah. The risks in following new shows are A) The constant fear of cancellation when you love them (Legend of the Seeker), B) The realization that the show is terrible (The Gates), C) That a show won’t be able to find it’s way in time (Happy Town).

I’m not going to do any background checking to see if the last episode was re-edited as the finale, but I can only imagine that it was. We got most of the answers to the big questions (Who is the Magic Man? What’s the deal with Dan?), but the details that could have been fleshed out over time would have made the show so much better. For instance, I still have no idea what Henley’s deal was. Is she Chloe? If so, big deal. We don’t know the significance of “Chloe” at all. Her last phone call was a bit contradictory, but was is significant? And the Magic Man. Whoa. How did the Magic Man get away with everything when the identity wasn’t exactly secret at all? Magic, I guess. *pfft*

Regardless, I guess in the end, I don’t regret having watched the show, and that’s a lot more than I can say about most of them.