One Flu East

I got my first flu shot today. I also had one of those EUREKA! moments that actually made me feel like the dumbest person ever.

 I’ve never been one to visit a doctor’s office unless I didn’t think I would make it through the night. However… I should have been able to make the distinction between a “shot” and an “IV”; something I was NOT able to do until this very day. Really.


The next new show that I’m watching is No Ordinary Family. I would have been moderately interested in the show on the premise alone, but when I found out that Dexter’s Julie Benz was onboard, I was super excited. NOF is surprisingly fresh in many ways. Sure you have a family with superpowers struggling to figure out how they work and how best to use them, but there’s also a killer twist at the end of the first episode that hints at MUCH more than a quirky family show. Also? Julie Benz’ hair always looks amazing, especially when she’s traveling at super-speed.

Again, this is a show that is available on Hulu, so watch it as soon as you get the chance, I think you’ll like it.

SPOILER QUESTION FOR EPISODE ONE (Stop reading if you haven’t watched yet!!)
Wouldn’t someone with teleportation abilities be able to just, you know, teleport into a bank vault without having to be a masked robber?? I always have this question of teleporters, possibly because it’s the power I most desire.


Let’s talk about The Event. To make things clear, let’s agree that this is not the next Lost. NBC may have tried to tout it as such, or perhaps the entertainment media, in an effort to fill the void left in their lives, decided that this was the closest thing to stylized drama they could find and made it their great white hope. Either way, The Event is definitely not the new Lost.

The Event, regardless of where this show is going, is based on a very unlikely premise. No, I’m not talking about the possibility of aliens or super-humans who don’t age, or anything along those lines. What I’m referring to is the idea that a young man would find that his girlfriend has been kidnapped from a cruise and then repeatedly risk his life to find her, whether he knew about “The Event” or not. Nearly every man I’ve ever known would have responded to the kidnapping with, “Oh, dude, this sucks, but I, uh, gotta be back at work on Monday or they’re gonna can my ass.” Heh. Seeing our young hero run from, well, everyone in hopes of finding his girl is far less believable than the intrigue of the 97 (give or take a thousand).

Regardless, I’m enjoying The Event but I’d put it on the same level as Persons Unknown, another pretty cool recent NBC offering. If you haven’t yet caught up with The Event, head on over to Hulu and check it out.

Saying Goodbye

Warehouse 13 recently concluded its second season, and I’m so sad to say that I won’t be back for a third, even if the show is renewed. It’s really hard to say goodbye to the show because I could see it being my #1 show if the true stars of the show remained Myka and Pete (and Artie, to lesser extent).

Instead of acclimating to the addition of Claudia, I have found the character, and the actress, to be more and more distasteful. I place the blame evenly on poor writing and poor acting. The character routinely reminds us that she is a young genius, yet she attempts to throw out cool 80’s references a la Shawn and Gus from Psych. The combination rings false. Claudia is also supposed to be some modern punk (I suppose) with her Kool-Aid striped hair and Hot Topic wardrobe. This would have been almost cool around seven or eight years ago. As it is, the whole look is cliched and played out. The actress has begun to clean up her speech, but her tendency to mumble and vomit up words is still too pronounced for me to be able to sit through any dialogue involving Claudia.

I tried to fast forward through any Claudia scenes all through Season 2, but in the end, I finalized the split by deleting Warehouse 13 from my DVR for good. Now I selfishly hope that it doesn’t get renewed because I really am going to miss the stories, the artifacts, Pete, Myka, Artie, Leena, and Mrs. Frederick.

I also deleted Glee from DVR, but I have to admit that I felt much less regret than with WH13. I guess I’m too old to really care about most of the music played, and I never cared for the lead actress’ voice at all. I really only cared about Shu and Finn, and all of the “Hot News” in the off season was about Kirk and who would play his bf, so I took that as a sign to run. I wish the show well, though, and that’s more than I can say about most.