Tag Archives: Ronon

Oh, OH!

Oh, PLEEEEEASE let SGA play out like I hope it will. Using footage from this season (which hasn’t yet aired, but dammit, I KNOW how it should go), I *just* storyboarded a vid. I don’t care what anyone says, I like Three Days Grace and “Riot” is going to be a kickass vid. I’m just waiting for “Sateda” to air. Please, in the name of all things Gate, let it play out like I hope it does.


patches.jpgMy patches for my Dragon*Con costume arrived! I’m going as Carter from SG-1, Jesse is going as a Browncoat, and Ben is going to trump us all with his top-secret selection. All I have to do is find a militaristic field outfit, apply patches, and GO. Whoo!

I can’t believe that SG-1 and SGA start back tonight. We’ve waited so long for their return and now it’s time. I’m sooo excited to see how the teams survive the Ori and Wraith. While I love SG-1 a little bit more, still….RONON! :thud:

What’s that?

Hey, lookit me, I made a moodtheme! It’s basic, and incomplete, and boring, and all the things a first-time creation SHOULD be, darnit. On first glance, it may seem tough to theme Ronon Dex. He’s just a big meanie, right? If you watch him closely, as I have repeatedly, you’ll find that he’s actually got the cutest expressions. So, um, anyway….

Happy Weekend! I’ll be knocking around with today…finally.

Ronon Dex Everywhere

In a rare move, I’ve made the default theme here match my layout on LJ. OK, so this one is strictly Ronon, but do I hear any complaints? Didn’t think so.

Hobbit’s birthday is here and I had planned a party for her, but she was acting up today, so I’ve moved the celebration to this weekend. I’ll show her! *snicker*

Happy Weekend!