I really miss everyone

This has been one of those days when I just miss everyone terribly. I didn’t obsess over ZeroMuch.com today, so I had time to really think about important things.

I don’t have Lee Anne’s email address, so if you see this, LeeLee, please email me 🙂

Then again, I’ve also had some problems with my emails getting sent and/or received. If you’ve emailed me recently, I may not have gotten it. I did get an ALL CAPS email from Coley asking where I’ve been, and when I sent a reply, I don’t think it went through…ugh!

Ben, come see me. Soon and often.

*Hugs* to all of you guys!

Who knew?!?

Who knew how hard it would be to make a simple website? Anyway, the reason I’ve been away, is that I was making a new site. It started out as a part of Zeromuch.net, but when I didn’t like the results, I bought a whole new name.

I invite you to visit zeromuch.com for all your ROTK screencap needs. Well, if your needs include Faramir and a few select shots of the coronation, the “Kiss”, and my lady Galadriel.

Soundtrack Review

I’ve read tons of reviews of ROTK, but very few reviews of the soundtrack. First off, let me say that there is too much singing on here. Not the singing by Billy Boyd or Viggo Mortensen (mmm), but by the “choir” that sings in Sindarin. Anyway…I’ve listed the actual name of the track followed by the title/descriptor that I use.

1. A Storm is Coming (You ain’t kiddin’ buddy! or Smeagol’s Song)
2. Hope and Memory(Pretty song…SHOW THE MEN NOW)
3. Minas Tirith (Ride, Gandalf, ride like the wind!)
4. The White Tree (Keep riding, Gandalf!)
5. The Steward of Gondor (Faramir’s Song….oooh, Faramir galloping out on the field, mmmmm. Oh, and nice job, Pippin.)
6. Minas Tirith (Spooooky!)
7. The Ride of the Rohirrim (The Two Towers was better)
8. Twilight and Shadow (Arwen gets PISSED OFF; I like this track)
9. Cirith Ungol (Go home, Sam!)
10. Anduril (Yeah, but this should have happened in the first movie…hmmph)
11. Shelob’s Lair (OK, screechy violins, we GET it already)
12. Ash and Smoke (I can’t place this in the movie at all…hmm)
13. The Fields of the Pelennor (There was music there?!? Great ending)
14. Hope Fails (–as does this track)
15. The Black Gate Opens (My favorite track; Ooh, look at Aragorn with his hair fixed; Run, Frodo, Run…oops, Get up, Frodo, Get up!; Fight a little more; No, Sam, I don’t even like strawberries; Ruuu-dy, Ruuu-dy, er, um, Sam-wise)
16. The End of All Things (Ah, but we know better; Too much singing; Gollum feels pretty, oh so pretty; I was waiting for this part: Barad-dur crumbles)
17. The Return of the King (at over 10 minutes, it’s long, but good; mmmm, Viggo. Love the subtle changes to the main themes)
18. The Grey Havens (Bittersweet to say the least)
19. Into the West (This is the song by Annie Lennox. I believe that Leon said it best when he said that this song exists soley to allow Annie to scream at chosen intervals, ruining an otherwise terrific theme.)

There are only two things I would have added, and they are merely sound clips. It would have been great to have the cries of the Nazgul and the jazzy horn of the Mumakil driver.