I knew all along

I defy anyone to tell me that Rob (Boston Rob, The Robfather, etc.) Mariano from Survivor: All Stars isn’t one heck of a gorgeous man. I thought as much during his original season, but *whistles* wow….he has just gone off the scale of yumminess.

Harry Potter and the…

They have released more trailers for POA, and I feel I must state my opinion on some things.

1) I do not like the inclusion of muggle clothing.
2) I am not overly-impressed with the casting of Lupin, or even Sirius, for that matter.

I’ll go into it, of course, with an open mind, but for now I’m not too jazzed about these things.

Oh, and Harry Knowles really needs to get more bandwidth since most people can’t get connected. I miss AICN and the raging talkbacks.

What a boring day

I am so sleepy I can’t keep my eyes open. My third video sucks beyond comprehension on 2/3 of the computers I’ve tried it on (thank goodness for school computer labs…heh) and I’m hungry. Yep, this is definitely a blah day. BLAH!

And for all of you who forgot my birthday today, which is *looks around*, well, everyone….that’s ok.