Oh dear lord!


Ok…seems that certain online outlets have ROTK from the DVD! Clear. Gorgeous. Perfect. WHOO! In a day or two, I’ll be revamping all of ZeroMuch! Whoo!

Ides of March

Today has traditionally been a bad day (re: Caesar) but I’m hoping my high from this weekend will transcend any obstacles. Ben came down and not only finished his entry for the LOTR Vidding Challenge (note to self: GET YOURS DONE!), but also made two full-length vids and created his Vids Page. Check it out!


Will it ever end? Highly unlikely. I’ve been a part of some kind of fandom since 1977 (Star Wars) and I continue to be amazed at just how deeply I fall into a new one. I am a proud Fangirl. Yep.