Um, okaaaay….

So Ben and I entered the all new LOTR Vidding Challenge. That’s old news. Today’s news is that Ben won an honorable mention award. That’s a bit surprising and a bit CRAP. His entry was awesome. The vid that was CLEARLY the best,”The Addams Family” placed third?!? I had no expectation of placing at all. I remembered why I had planned to edit my vid extensively AFTER I submitted it…hehehe…so this isn’t a sore-loser bit. Ben’s entry was far better than HM, and the one I mentioned above ROCKED. *shakes head* I don’t get it.

What is “me”

I could have kept version: Fandom forever, since I’ve already said it will never end, but I decided to change. I figured that since I’d already made so many graphics for my vids, I’d just smoosh them all together, and voila! Instant header….heh. In case you forgot, my vids are all on my newest site,

old, Old, OLD!!!

Holy hell….I just read where it has been TWO DECADES since Michael Jackson moonwalked on the Motown 25th Anniversary Special. I remember squeeing over that. I was in the sixth grade.


Mixed bag

Even though my week-long vacation starts next Wednesday, I called in today. I’m having a terrible anxiety (not yet panic) attack. I should be a little calmer, for I am picking up Anduril today (see below). I was supposed to get my car yesterday, but they called to say it wasn’t yet tricked out. Ugh. The have promised that it will be ready by this afternoon. It’s April and I have to start making my decision on where I’m moving. I can’t even say what’s holding me back. Ugh. I think I’ll go make some coffee and stalk my usuals online and then maybe, maybe I’ll start looking for a new job.