Talk about AU!

Now I just had the weirdest dream. Billeh and Dom were in it. I was being set up with Billeh for some reason, but he left the compound (for lack of a better word) we were staying in with my brother (of all people). While I was awaiting his return, I looked into the hallway and saw Dom (in full Hobbit gear) walking my way. Thinking he was Billeh, I walked a bit with him. I quickly realized my mistake, but tried to cover by continuing to walk. We ended up at a cafeteria of sorts. Dom took my purse to use my phone and some ghetto chicks came in and took one of my Newports from the pack in my purse. I snatched it back and then Dom took it out of my hand and gave it to the chick anyway. I got pissed off and walked out. Then I woke up. I have NO IDEA where this dream was going, but it was a fun “pal” dream.

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