I’m back!

I was gone for only three days, but it felt like an eternity. Traveling from here to Baltimore to Pittsburgh and back will do that to you. Friday night we did the celebrity round at Horrorfind. I got Irwin Keys‘ autograph which made me very happy. I also ran into Kuzibah (sans Grim who was inside the PACKED conference room) from the BC&S…WHOO!! It was great to see her again and I got more info about Homecoming 2005! After trying everything I could think of to get Todd and Cole’s number to wish her a Happy Birthday Saturday, we drove down to Washington DC and proceeded to be lost for 4 hours. They really should do something about that. We left Baltimore (and my clothes in Baltimore) Sunday for the Monroeville Mall and Evans City Cemetery. These were locations that were used in a couple of the Romero movies. After much fun in PA, we came home today. I’m so tired I could sleep for a day, so if I’m rambling, that’s why.

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