Oh sweet irony

Yeah, uh, I’m offline. I don’t know when I’ll be back up, but it’s not going to be soon. Not content to leave well enough alone, I decided to further “optimize” my computer.

I now have no internet connection to my computer. My wireless adapter says it’s working, but I know better. The disc (as well as the backup) of the user’s manual won’t run and I have no internet connection. I’m pretty sure I know what I did, but you have to be online to “fix” it. Yeah, furthermore, you have to be online through the wireless router, which is, you know, NOT WORKING. Kick me.

I’m the Smartest Man Alive!!

Suprnova is acting up (server problems) so I thought I’d look around for some other torrent sites. I found a nice little forum. It taught me that I was a complete and total DUMBASS

I had never bothered to check my configuration on my router or Azureus. After finding a link to my exact setup and some tinkering…My download speed for movies just went from 1.1-20 kB/s to 120-200 kB/s. Wheeeee! Oh Jesus, when ROTK:EE comes out I.AM.READY!!!!!


In a nutshell, I got involved in wank. I’m so ashamed of myself, but at least it was for a good cause. And anonymous….heh. I’ve almost finished re(x5)reading GOF. With all of the movie news leaking out, I’ve found myself wanting to get back to the basics. The Phelps twins are looking terrific in the set pics, and I hope they have more prominent roles in the 4th movie. Spoilery info
The Dursleys have been cut out entirely which is sad, but old, news. The weighing of the wands has been cut, and this means no Mr. Ollivander. That is sad news on many levels. The continuity could use a boost, especially after the dark, dank feel of POA. There are a few more script nuggets to be found at Mugglenet, if you need more.