Sexy men, you say?

My latest addiction, In Touch Weekly has this week’s list of the 10 Sexiest Men of the Season. I agree with almost all of them.

The Sexiest______
10. Sense of Humor-Jamie Foxx (meh)
9. Rebel- Colin Farrell (GUH, buy it for this pic alone!)
8. Newcomer- Jason Momoa (meh)
7. Lips- Nick Lachey (I can see that)
6. Eyes- Gael Garcia Bernal (ooh, yeah)
5. Family Man- Colin Firth (meh)
4. Body- Taye Diggs (I know someone who agrees *g*)
3. Smile- Oliver Hudson (Yeah, ok)
2. Accent- Jude Law (You know how I feel about him!)
1. Everything- Brad Pitt (I think he’s past his prime, but still yumm)

Maybe I’ll make up my own list to compare and contrast….but I think it would read something like, 10. Sean Bean 9. Sean Bean 8. Sean Bean… get the picture. However I would like to add one category…Best Fictional Character–Major John Sheppard. *eg*

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