Six degrees of STRETCH

A little background info: The high school where I work is the same one that Homer Hickam attended with my dad. Homer Hickam wrote Rocket Boys, which was later made into the movie October Sky. The student that I had carry my refrigerator to my room is the brother of one of the other Rocket Boys. (Yes, the student is 17 while his older brother is 61. Don’t ask).

Here’s the stretch: I know the brother of one of the Rocket Boys. The Rocket Boys were on the set of October Sky with Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake starred in The Day After Tomorrow with Ian Holm. Ian Holm starred in LOTR with Sean Bean.

There you have it. My destiny.

5 thoughts on “Six degrees of STRETCH”

  1. ROFL!!! Finally saw National Treasure… and agree with you. W/O Bean it wouldn’t have been very tolerable, and I actually don’t mind Nicholas Cage, despite his hairline. LOL But yeah Bean mmmmmm. Gotta love that 6 degrees of seperation (or was is 3 degrees?) Well in your case it’s 3, so it doesn’t really matter. 🙂

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