My love is Extended

I just watched ROTK:EE and 😯 It’s better than I had ever dreamed. I thought I had spoiled myself enough to know everything that was added. So, SO WRONG. Some of the spoilers we saw were even labeled incorrectly. Whoo! I did capture all the shots of Boromir and most of the new Faramir scenes if anyone would want to see them. There is one particular shot of Eowyn that will leave you breathless because of her absolute beauty.

I was so afraid that I would feel “empty” when it was all said and done, but it’s more like a feeling of fulfillment. :clap:

8 thoughts on “My love is Extended”

  1. I was kinda worried when I saw that 50 extra minutes was coming our way, afraid it might bog down somehow but I guess not. yay!

  2. In all honesty, I have to admit that I ff’d through every single Frodo/Sam/Gollum scene 😳 I would think that could add to the greatness, though.

  3. *Is severely tempted to go look at your caps* but I can’t… I don’t wanna ruin it, but saying how beautiful she looks gives ma a LOT of hope for a scene I didn’t think would be in… maybe I’ll just go download it too. 🙂

  4. haha I’m so weak… went to go check zeromuch and see they aren’t up yet. guess that’s what I get for assuming. 😛 Can’t wait to see the movie though. Glad to hear I might not be as spoiled as I thought I was.

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