Well, that’s bad

I just got back from the optometrist’s office. I don’t have a scratch on my cornea (as I normally do when my eye acts up). I have an ulcer. On my cornea. It’s going to leave a scar. I may never be able to wear contacts again. My vision will never be the same, and may not even be measurable with accuracy again. I have drops that I must apply EVERY HOUR for 6 hours and then every two hours ALL NIGHT LONG. I have to return tomorrow to see if this has helped at all. That really isn’t what I wanted to hear.

On a lighter note, I get to watch ROTK:EE every moment that I can keep my eye open. Wheee!

6 thoughts on “Well, that’s bad”

  1. wow, that’s worse than my near-constant pooping
    how does one get an ulcer on one’s eyeball?

  2. In my case, it’s from taking my contacts out, like NEVER and letting a scratch get worse and worse. I had to have Dad drive me out there, the pain and sensitivity was so bad 🙄

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