Not What I Intended

So, I decided to officially retire from vidding challenges after Weird Science won a Smile Award in the Surreal Awards. Apparently, I’m out of retirement. I didn’t but someone did nominate some of my vids in the LOTR MVAs. How do you know that I didn’t do it myself? I would NOT have chosen some of the vids that were nominated. My tribute to Boromir and Faramir was placed in the SLASH category. I would NEVER slash those two. Oh sure, I may read it, but I would never actively put anything between Boromir and Aragorn. 😛


I’m off work until Jan. 3, 2005. How amazing is it that MTV is playing a Real World/Road Rules Challenge marathon for me? There are certain things that I will watch no matter what else is on. They aren’t my favorites, but for whatever reason, I am glued to them. They include such gems as The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Delirious, Housesitter, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Funny Farm, Agatha Christie movies with Ustinov, and the above mentioned Challenges. I wonder if other people have the same quirks?


I would like to alleviate any fears you may have about my beauty. It remains uncompromised by the eye affliction I am currently experiencing. A corneal ulcer isn’t apparent to the naked eye (pun SO intended). I look just like a normal, lovely young woman.
* end snerk*