Two goods make a?

So I finally got around to watching my new SGA. It rocked. I didn’t know if I’d think so after watching “Before I Sleep”, but I can say without a doubt that I am still in love with this show.

No matter what anyone says, I’m not letting the backlash against Lost get to me. Well, maybe just a little. I did feel like this week’s ep was a bit too manipulative, then I played Ep. 4, “Walkabout”, and all was well with the world again. When Locke does his thing, and that music swells, and my tears still roll after watching it 20+ times, I know this show has magic. It’s the same kind of magic that Buffy had up until Season 6. I hope when Lost has lost its shine, it won’t go down in flames like the Wedon shows did.

And just for fun, stolen from Todd,
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5 thoughts on “Two goods make a?”

  1. the only negative thing I ever heard was on Best Week Ever, and they were just making fun of how all the survivors/main cast were good looking. People are stoopid:roll:

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