As we know it….

I feel fine. Why am I referencing song lyrics today?!?
Well, it is kinda the end of the world as we know it.

:love: Ben is insanely happy and I am happy right along with him.

:clap: I figured up my taxes today, $1100 or so coming my way. The end of poverty is near….heh.

😎 My eye feels perfect, but I still have to go in Monday for yet another checkup. If it looks better this time, I get to set an appointment to get new contacts. The glasses, although sexy as hell to Dwayne, are killing me. Ugh.

😉 On the plus side, Monday is a holiday. No work for me. I will, however, reflect on the meaning of the day.

:bubbly: Thanks, Melissa for the gmail! I can be reached at zeromuch @ in case of emergency :smoke:

6 thoughts on “As we know it….”

  1. holy damn, I am happy, I had no idea :thud:
    damn livejournal, I need to be all shouty with this. Oh he says you and I can still get married though, so woo-hoo! my life is now 99% perfect
    and I think the specs are sexy too, LOVE the smarty girl look :drool:
    dear lord, schmoopy has nothing on this – shoot me. no don’t GAH!

  2. :love:double squee!!!:love:
    Oh hi btw….I thought I’d come by and check out you journal. Plus add to the shmaltz that a certain wunnerful someone has put on your comments here already. We shouldn’t keep it on just two blogs…how about three. All your blogs are belong to us!

    *waves all friendly like hello*

  3. Welcome! It’s great to have you over 😉 Come by often and bring juicy details with you 😛

    All your blogs are belong to us…pfft! Unless, of course, I’m part of the us…

  4. Sure thing. I hear you’re good peeps. You can be in the “us” collective. We tend to be a little meglomanical, tho. Thanks for the welcome. I’ll bring over a pie when I came by. Sound good?

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