It’s kinda appropriate

I’m halfway finished with my shippiest/sappiest vid yet. It’s Shep/Weir and I am really loving it. The circumstances leading to the creation of this vid are mighty odd, though. I have long exhausted my use of any song I remotely like. I don’t stay up on “current” music, so I rely on other people’s journal entries and whatnot to key me in to the new tunes. Today I decided to listen to the radio on my way home from work. Living in Southern WV, there is NOT a lot to choose from when it comes to quality stations. I put the radio on “Scan” and waited for something to catch my ear. Well, lo and behold, a song came on that I thought would be GREAT! I came home and looked up the lyrics (in somewhat of a backward fashion, since I missed the Title/Artist info). I found it and guess what? The radio must have been stuck on the Christian station because it’s by a Christian band called Audio, um, something or ‘nother….bwa ha ha ha.

In conclusion, I guess I now worship at the throne of SGA. 😆

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