Call Guinness

I set some kind of record yesterday. I worked HARD on a Ford vid and completed all of 2.3 seconds. That has GOT to be a record. Sheesh. I want to make a funky action soldier boy vid and it’s sooo not easy. Since Ford has that cool vibe, I’m going with Lenny Kravitz. If you try hard enough, you can “Six Degrees” Rainbow to Lenny. Yup.

Is it over yet?

Work has been absolutley crazy lately. They told me it would “pick up” in Feb/Mar, but I could never have prepared for all of this madness. I am absolutely run down. Today I’m going to clean this house quite a bit, catch up on my friends’ journals, start beta-ing an Aragorn/Boromir fic (yay!), eat some mexican food, and run to Wal-Mart to get some Hobbit supplies. *whew*

In slightly better news, I finished the Shep/Weir sapfest. :love:

It’s kinda appropriate

I’m halfway finished with my shippiest/sappiest vid yet. It’s Shep/Weir and I am really loving it. The circumstances leading to the creation of this vid are mighty odd, though. I have long exhausted my use of any song I remotely like. I don’t stay up on “current” music, so I rely on other people’s journal entries and whatnot to key me in to the new tunes. Today I decided to listen to the radio on my way home from work. Living in Southern WV, there is NOT a lot to choose from when it comes to quality stations. I put the radio on “Scan” and waited for something to catch my ear. Well, lo and behold, a song came on that I thought would be GREAT! I came home and looked up the lyrics (in somewhat of a backward fashion, since I missed the Title/Artist info). I found it and guess what? The radio must have been stuck on the Christian station because it’s by a Christian band called Audio, um, something or ‘nother….bwa ha ha ha.

In conclusion, I guess I now worship at the throne of SGA. 😆