Current Events

I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting anything in my Easter basket this year. Heh.

Alaska? Drill it. Drill it dry for all I care.

Shiavo? Let it go, already. No one wants to “live” like that.

Conspiracy theorists on the WP Board? *snerk* It’s like Fandom Wank…without the fandom.

WVU? Lost in OT. Shocker, I know. 🙄

10 thoughts on “Current Events”

  1. no, my other writer hurt your personal views on Terri are already established.. Go back and read my reply when you get the chance.

    take care and happy easter

  2. whoo, you have a great weekend, too. It’s been great hearing from you. I’ll be around some, after all, that theme is still the coolest. I tend to get hyper-defensive of mass stereotyping, especially when referring to my entire country, most of whom I do NOT agree with.

  3. ah yes, the evils of mass-sterotyping, I know it well 😯

    you have some great little smilies btw!

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