I’m the HBP

Gakked from Ana on LJ. [cut text=”HUGE HP meme”]

A Random Harry Potter Survey!
Name Jenn
Age 33
Birthday Feb 17
Age when you first read Harry Potter 29
Favorite Book HP & The Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite Character(s) Ron, Sirius
Favorite Proffesor(s) McGonagall
Favorite House Ravenclaw
Favorite Quidditch Team Griffindor
Favorite Couple Sirius/Remus, Ron/Hermione
Favorite Magical Animal uh
Favorite Magical Place Hogsmeade
Favorite Weasley Fred and George
Favorite Pet Trevor
Favorite Order Member Sirius
Favorite Class Herbology
Favorite Wizarding Snack none
Favorite Gryffindor Student Harry
Draco or Harry? Harry
H/Hr or R/Hr? R/Hr
Snape or Lupin? Lupin
Crookshanks or Scabbers? Crookshanks
Hedwig or Pig? Hedwig
Harry or Ron? Ron
Crabbe or Goyle? Crabbe
Canon/Fanon Draco? Canon
Canon/Fanon Snape? Canon
D/Hr or D/G? neither
H/D or H/SS? uh
Your OTP? Sirius/Remus
Favorite Slytherin Marcus Flint
Cho – annoying or not? very
Do you write Fanfiction? no
Do you read Fanfition? sometimes
Favorite Fanfiction? ..
Canon or Fanon? ..
One shot or Novel length? ..
Fluff or Angst? ..
Darkfic? ok
Very Powerful Harry? ok
Very Sexy Draco? ..
Gen, Het, or Slash? Slash
Fanfiction Petpeeves? Mary Sues
Did you Cry when Cedric Died? yes
Did you cry when Sirius Died? hell yes
All time favorite part Sirius offering Harry a home
Were you mad about the whole H/C mistake? uh
Do you like Viktor Krum? whoo boy, do I
Do you like Cho Chang? meh
Do you like Fluer? meh
Do you like Cedric? yeah
What did you think of the Prophecy? Not sure I get it yet
Which characters need more development? Ron
Did Harry pass his O.W.Ls in Potions? Sure
Will Harry die or survive at the end of book 7? survive
Do you like the Marauders? LOVE them
Light side or dark side? light
Who do you think is the HBP? Godric Griffindor
Who do you think will die in HBP? Death Eaters
Who do you think Harry’s new “love interest” is in HBP? Luna
What do you think will be the “something huge” revealed about Lily Potter? no clue
Are you a Luna fan? yes
Favorite Marauder? Sirius
Is Harry going to be back on the quidditch team? yes
How well do you think Harry will cope with Sirius’s death in HBP? not well
Do you think Harry will be even more angry in HBP than in OotP? no
Will Ron or Hermione die in either of the next 2 books? NO
How do you think Ron and Hermione will react when they find out about the prophecy? worriedly
Harry Potter Movies
Do you like the movies as much as the books? meh
Hottest HP actor? Phelps twins/ Sean Biggerstaff
Do you think Emma Watson is too girly for Hermione? a little
What do you think of Ruperts long hair in GoF? it’s a little TOO long
Daniel Radcliffe or Rupert Grint? Dan
Chris Columbus or Alfonso? CHRIS by far
Was the warewolf too bald? yes
What scene did they leave out in the movie you wish they hadn’t? Map explanation
Favorite movie moment? Harry’s first arrival at Hogwarts
Least favorite movie moment? POA
Favorite character in movie? Dumbledore
Favorite Movie? SS
Was that how you imagined the basalisk? kinda
Do you wish Richard Harris could still play Dumbledore? Hell yes
Do you think Snape is sexy? nope
Do you wish you looked like Emma Watson? hell no
And for the lst question, how has Harry Potter changed your life? I’ve “met” great vidders



Edit: I frickin’ KNEW it. A-hole’s problem with WP actually is based in jealousy. That’s just pitiful! *snerk*

7 thoughts on “I’m the HBP”

  1. Weird glitch report: 1) Soemtimes this box for comments goes all the way across to the right, off the screen and under the column with the wish list et al, and 2) just now the left and right side columns disappeared whrn I clicked to make a comment.

  2. If you would JUST.USE.FIREFOX that wouldn’t happen. Something to do with IE not being updated to conform to web standards. Grrrr 😡

  3. Ok, Ben. Just for you, in “Vader”, I’ve changed the textarea here from a percentage to a fixed width. Since different people use different resolutions, I had to make it a small width. Is it any better? :love:

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