Hell Day

Geez, I haven’t had a day this bad in a very long time. In addition to a mini-mutiny by the seniors during an assembly (so bad I won’t even elaborate–rude young people …pfft), I’ve had to face preparing the HUGE standardized tests for administration which begins tomorrow. Unrelated to work, I’m still going rounds with a local eye doctor’s office. I ordered contact lenses from them in JANUARY. They never came. I got a bill. I went to get my lenses, thinking they forgot to call me for pick up. The lenses weren’t there. I ordered them AGAIN. They never called. I just got a bill stating that I now owe a 90+day delinquent bill of $62.50 in addition to a 30+day bill of another $62.50. Oh, and that $2K NC tax thing is still out there too.

Normally when I rant on here, it’s more of a “Hmmph, check out this silly madness” thing, but this is honest rage filling me up. I have a feeling I’m going to turn out to be the “not nice” chick I’ve been labeled to be. :evileye:

7 thoughts on “Hell Day”

  1. oh dang, my sympathies:love: that’s like how I felt over the inventory fiasco at work:mad::cussing::skull:

  2. This is just a craptastic test to see if the loading (non)speed is any better with a caching plugin and only a link to my Amazon Wishlist.

  3. hey i wasnt rude! but thats because i love ya..hehe and we were seperated at birth.:nod:

  4. That’s true. I should have mentioned that some of said young people are incredibly cool. 😎

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