Can’t Stop Me Now

I’m in the process of making yet another Anakin vid. It’s an Anakin/Palpatine vid showing (what else?) Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side. The song is “Giving In” by Adema and I think it kinda rocks. I’m hoping to finish it tomorrow 😉 Since not too many people seemed to like the slower Anakin vid too much, maybe I can redeem myself with this one 🙂

It’s done. I don’t love it, afterall. If you want to see it, you know where it is.

2 thoughts on “Can’t Stop Me Now”

  1. That is crazy! I was just thinking about telling you to make one about anakin and palptaine.I guess we are just alike:lol:
    I can not wait to see it! And i liked the incomplete vid:nod:

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