Over on SW_FanVids, I’m pretty darn sure that a CLIP THEIF has struck. There’s a vid posted by a veeery snarky individual saying how they threw the vid together in only an hour. There isn’t ONE.SINGLE.CLIP that hasn’t been used by either
Grrrr. :naughty:
Yes! Someone has stolen from you and di:naughty:
Hey my bro and i are supposed to go watch star wars again thursday evening at the mall…wanna meet us there?:clap::nod:
Yup. I might be in for Thursday. I have to see how crazy it gets around here…same old crap. 😥
wow, that’s shitty :evileye: is that a hanging offense? :skull:
Makes me wanna go back to putting a logo in the corner of my vids. Stupid :cussing:. Why do people feel the need to rip off someone else’s work? Lazy bastards…
It really is crappy. I guess I could go back and logo at least my SW vids. 😡