Busy Me

It’s been pretty busy around here the last two days. In much needed diversions, pals really came through for me.

Thursday I went to see Revenge of the Sith again with Ash and her brother. We both noticed that Anakin cries twice in the movie. I had noticed the first time he cries, but somehow missed the second occurance. If anything, it probably made me even more (wrongly) sympathetic toward him.

Last night I met up with two of my coworkers for dinner and drinks at Macadoo’s. After the ceremony, Ash, her man, and her brother joined us as well. ‘Twas a very fun night, indeed. I even had a surprise visitor show up to see me. 😛

2 thoughts on “Busy Me”

  1. Hey it was awesome hanging out with you for 2 evenings! :nod: We will have to do it again soon

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