Happier Now

After ranting more than I inteded, I’ve done a meme to cheer me up!

1. Favorite scent: April Fresh Downey
2. Favorite way to relax: Online, reading nice things
3. Favorite movie you own: LOTR
4. Favorite movie you don’t already own: RotS
5. Favorite male movie star: Sean Bean
6. Favorite female movie star: Neve Campbell
7. Favorite book genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi
8. Favorite clothing store: Van Heusen
9. Favorite non-clothing store: Bombay Co.
10. Favorite cartoon character: Scooby Doo
11. Favorite CD you own: Natural Born Killers soundtrack
12. Favorite CD you don’t already own: Um…The last one I bought was NBK.
13. Pass the torch to five of your favorite LJ friends!: I think I have about 5 favorites..you know who you are…GO!

15 thoughts on “Happier Now”

  1. Dang, I keep forgetting to e-mail you… wrote up this long e-mail the other day then *bam* power surge at work and it was gone. 😥 Anyway, I wanted to tell you about this book series I’ve been reading that I think you’d love. The series is called “The Nightrunner Series” it’s by Lynn Flewelling. The first of the series is called “Luck in the Shadows.” Fits right in with your love of fantasy/sci-fi and slash. :wink2: Sorry for the long comment, I’m just being too lazy to e-mail ya right this minute. Will e-mail ya later since I do have a couple questions about WP stuff, and I’ll a elaborate about the books if you’re interested.

  2. I :love: That song, Jesse! I even know the NBK script that goes along to it!

    That’s OK, Mel! I better hurry up and read before HBP comes out, eh? Email any time you can, no prob :wink2:

  3. Don’t worry you’ll be done in plenty time for HBP. I had hoped the 3 that are out now will keep me busy until then, but they’re so addicting that I find myself reading until 4 a.m. trying not to pass out in bed and lose my page. I’m on the second book now and will hopefully be on the third soon. If you read them you’ll have to let me know if you liked them as much as I did.

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