Interesting Pairing

I just watched a very interesting vid. It’s a slash vid of (Smallville) Lex and (Bale) Bruce Wayne. The song was “Something I Can Never Have” by NIN. It’s a broody, dark look at the two and uses clips from Smallville, Batman Begins trailers, Equilibrium, other Batman movies, and American Psycho, I think. The pic quality on the Lex clips isn’t very good (as is the usual for Smallville, I’m noticing), but it’s still a really original vid and I kinda dig it. I wish I’d watched Smallville now.

10 thoughts on “Interesting Pairing”

  1. that does sound kinda weird and cool. the song is a bit slow though for a vid, I think anyways

  2. Hey chic..we definately need to meet up soon!! I miss my best know we only share anakin together:lol:
    Maybe we could meet up at the mall one day this week…

  3. Yeah, the tempo made for a really dark, broody feel. I liked it. :nod:

    And yes, Part-Time Anakin Chick, we’ll meet up sometime. I can’t do it Tue. or Fri. but I’m free the rest of the time :wink2:

  4. Sorry-assed Yahoo won’t let me see the puzzle. :evileye: Thursday would be perfect if you can manage it. :wink2:

  5. Damn Yahoo!! i may be able to get it to work on LJ. Thursday would be cool, but the thing is rob is being a butthole:mad: so if you didnt care maybe i could get you to meet me somewhere a pick me up?:cry: lol If it would be to much trouble, i understand.

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