I’m Batman

Batman Begins is awesome. Bale does a GREAT job as Bruce, as well as Batman. I had a couple of *ugh* moments, but overall, a VERY good movie. Much better than ANY comic movie I’ve ever seen. Ash and I checked out the hotness that is Bale and then did quite a bit of shopping and eating. I’ll edit with more info, but I just really wanted to say how awesome Batman Begins is!

Oh, and Mom broke her foot today. It’s awful and I hope it heals properly. 😥 Tomorrow is Day 5 of icky stomach virus-y thing. I can’t eat anything. This could be good…

7 thoughts on “I’m Batman”

  1. Batman was awesome!:clap:
    I had a great time hanging out with ya today, and buying some anakin stuff:clap:
    We will have to do it again soon:smoke:

  2. is it bad that I really don’t care to see this film?
    do I have to turn in my fandom card?

  3. You almost don’t even need a fandom card to like this one. It’s not like any other “comic book” movie…ever. It just ROCKS!

  4. I’m so glad you liked it. I had no idea if you would or not, since it seemed so “out there” compared to comic book movies. Yay!!

  5. no, it was totally awesome. yeah, they fudged some of the historical points but that’s to be expected.
    like, the waynes went to see a Zorro movie before they got mugged (giving bruce more inspiration) but I can overlook that one. I am getting tired of the love interests knowing the secret identity schpiel though

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