Happier Now

After ranting more than I inteded, I’ve done a meme to cheer me up!

1. Favorite scent: April Fresh Downey
2. Favorite way to relax: Online, reading nice things
3. Favorite movie you own: LOTR
4. Favorite movie you don’t already own: RotS
5. Favorite male movie star: Sean Bean
6. Favorite female movie star: Neve Campbell
7. Favorite book genre: Fantasy, Sci-Fi
8. Favorite clothing store: Van Heusen
9. Favorite non-clothing store: Bombay Co.
10. Favorite cartoon character: Scooby Doo
11. Favorite CD you own: Natural Born Killers soundtrack
12. Favorite CD you don’t already own: Um…The last one I bought was NBK.
13. Pass the torch to five of your favorite LJ friends!: I think I have about 5 favorites..you know who you are…GO!

What the hell?!?

Let me tell you, LOTR is the most decent, kindest, and most respectful fandom for vidding. Seriously, the push for SW vids is awesome, but it’s bringing out the loons. Yes, I took the time to learn about downloading. Yes, I spent over a year working on a great ratio with a private tracker. Yes, I face penalties from my affiliation with said entity. But apparently, I’m supposed to hand over MY efforts to anyone who wants it. I know of rampant clip theft in HP, horrible snarking from Buffy, and now vid trashing and “gimme” mentality in SW. Pfft!

Thank gawd I started in LOTR, else I’d have already quit. Sheesh!

[Edit: I’m already yelling “Bitch, please” at my monitor. I may have to leave the SW fandom. Grrr]

Busy Me

It’s been pretty busy around here the last two days. In much needed diversions, pals really came through for me.

Thursday I went to see Revenge of the Sith again with Ash and her brother. We both noticed that Anakin cries twice in the movie. I had noticed the first time he cries, but somehow missed the second occurance. If anything, it probably made me even more (wrongly) sympathetic toward him.

Last night I met up with two of my coworkers for dinner and drinks at Macadoo’s. After the ceremony, Ash, her man, and her brother joined us as well. ‘Twas a very fun night, indeed. I even had a surprise visitor show up to see me. 😛


Somewhat related to my last post:

In a week or two (at the most), I plan to move away. Hob and I are going to our place at the lake. I’m sure I’ll get internet at some point, but I think a rest will do me good. I’m tired of stagnation; same old gripes, same old jobs, same old family problems, same old every damned thing. I’m way too bitter at many things right now and need to find some perspective. Hopefully, a smelly old dock will hold some.