Fandom Blah

These are my opinions. I am not condemning these things, it’s just how I feel.

I joined and as soon as I set up my LJ account. They have been nothing short of fabulous. Even has been exactly what I expected. Great pics, fiction, and updates. Lately, I’ve joined several LJ communities geared toward Hayden (+Ewan). What a disappointment! Few pics, fewer fics rated higher than PG, and entirely too many examples of “artwork” consisting of hand drawn cartoons designed to 1) make them look Asian 2) say, “Teehee…I made shhhh! gay pictures!

As I discussed with Ben, I know that Bean’s fandom has a higher median age, but all of this lack of Hayden material is just sad.

Another thing that has me completely smirking is the icon-making. I always credit whenever I use someone else’s work, but this latest crap has me not even wanting to look at icons, much less take them. *No hotlinking* *textless icons are NOT bases* *do NOT add text* *contact me before you alter this icon in any way* Bitch, please. It’s not like you TOOK the picture with your own camera. If I like it, then I’m going to like you did, getting the same exact pic, crop it anyway I want, and write all over the damn thing if I so choose.


Edited to add: I just got home from being “Errand Girl” for my mom and brother. So help me, if I have to retrieve his shit out of hock one more time, he can just lose it all. Now I’m out over $300 in addition to the $3500 he owes me. :evileye:

9 thoughts on “Fandom Blah”

  1. *waves one ticket to desert island*

    You ready? Pack your sunblock. Maybe Sawyer will be there…but NO Jack.

    No temptation for you-know-who.


  2. Ummm….okay..they can be there. But Boone will STILL have to die. I don’t want the island all mad at me without a sacrifice.

  3. Points and laughs at silly fangirls… sheesh even the young Orli fangirls aren’t that bad. :nonono: Wish I had the time to run a good comm. I can’t even find time to stay devoted to a comm. let alone run one. The lack of Hayden is very sad. It’s gotten a little better since his pre-Star Wars days. And what’s even MORE sad, is the Ewan fandom isn’t much better (and he’s been around for ages). There are some awesome Ewan websites, with loads of pics but the owners are SO stingy with pics. I’ve asked some websites if I could use their pics (w/ credit) for fanart, and they’re all like, “Oh this is exclusive to my site and I want it to stay that way.” and it just makes me not want to tell anyone about the site, ’cause where’s the fandom sharing love, ya know? Anyway, enough of that rant… :cussing:

    I feel for ya re: your brother… I’ve got one of my very own. Aren’t we *special* heh. Can I join you on that island? I’ll even settle for Boone so long as he doesn’t die. 🙂

  4. Now see? That’s the kind of stuff that leads me to use the pic regardless. I totally understand “exclusivity” up to a point, but for the sake of fandom, those pics belong to all of us…or something like that.

  5. I only credit when I know the person actually created an image in Photoshop or whatever. For example, the mood images I use on my site. If it’s a cropped image of something I *know* they didn’t take with their cam-how in the hell can they prove it’s THEIR work? Uh they can’t because it isn’t lol. So, yes, I do steal.

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