Reading Room

I just got my HBP! I’ll be reading for the next couple of days, so I just wanted to wish everyone a happy weekend. Ash, I’m sure you’ll be busy reading, too 🙂

I’ll blog more about SG-1 and SGA later, but I was pleased with SG-1 and LOVED SGA beyond words.

Happy Reading!

Edit: 11:00pm I just finished the book. I don’t think it’s spoilery to say that I.can’t.breathe. This is the best since POA. Honestly, I can’t think of words to describe how I feel right now. I hope everyone gets to read it soon so we can discuss. *sigh*

6 thoughts on “Reading Room”

  1. I recieved my book about 8am and i finished it about 11:30 Words can not describe how i feel either…Its great to hear from you jenn, we definately need to hang out very soon! Oh yeah i have a job now..:smoke:

  2. Holy crap you finished in ONE day!! I finished mine yesterday, at WORK of all places… probably not the best idea I ever had… just glad no one came in the office at certain times. Will have to e-mail you… none of my friends here are HP freaks like me. My best friend loves the movies, but she doesn’t like to read. 🙁 Will e-mail you so we can not breathe together.

  3. I know what you mean melissa, the only people i know into HP like me is jenn and now you! So did you like the book?

  4. Oh yeah, really loved it, though it was very different from what I expected it to be. It was much more lighthearted (except for a few incidents, you know) than OotP. You should e-mail me so we can discuss w/o people being spoiled. 🙂

  5. I’m in the process of finishing this class I’m (literally) in. I’ll email, too…just prolly not for a couple of days. 🙄

  6. Oh, oh posting while in clas… :naughty: hehe. But who am I to talk? Here I am at work watching “Chronicles of Riddick” (Karl… Vin… :drool:) and about to d/l your Speed of Sound vid. Have fun in class. What sort of computer training are you doing if you don’t mind me asking? 🙂

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