Weekend Wasted

This weekend, which began this morning, is shot.

The drama that unfolds here is unbelievable. Once everyone has exhausted their own garbage, it turns on me. Yes, I have one Master’s Degree, and no, I do not desire another. I agreed that I would take classes as needed to fulfill the few remaining requirements of a School Counseling degree. Now, it seems that I need to jump through no less that 15 hoops just to find out the real deal on *how* to do so. Every sentence contradicts the previous one when reading the catalogs from WVU and Marshall. I can’t believe that someone approved the printing of such unorganized, uninformed documents. Throw that in a pot with my family’s dysfunction and voila–instant sludge.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to pack up everything I can into a bandanna and a stick, and Hob and I are heading for the train tracks.

7 thoughts on “Weekend Wasted”

  1. You can stay in knoxville if you like. The Hob sent me a text message the other day saying he wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail this fall. That cat is one ambitious feline!:razz:

  2. Hob is a girl, darn it. SHE told me that she’s been receiving weird messages from some guy and that she needed to check the stalker laws in this state. 😛

  3. Hey chickie,You,I, and Hob will run away to some where far far away.
    We going to hang out saturday? I will call you and we will plan everything. I can not wait!!:smoke:

  4. Try going to WV State and having them mess up all of your financial aid-causing you to miss 2 days of classes. Nothing but a bunch of idiots! I wanna be like Kramer on Seinfeld.

  5. I purpose to build a pirate ship and we’ll spend our days plundering the high…um…rivers…Da Hobb can steer the boat.:love:

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