One Giant Step

After work tomorrow, I’m making an offer on Golf Course House. It doesn’t mean I’ll get it, as a lot of things have to fall into place before that happens. They have to accept the offer, I have to formally apply for the loan, the house has to appraise at or above my offer, I have to be approved, etc. I’m excited about it and don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t get it.

There is just one thing, though….Has anyone seen the key to my storage unit where all my belongings are? It’s been so long that I think I may have thrown the key away. 😮

7 thoughts on “One Giant Step”

  1. :cry::nonono:for living in Princeton but on the plus side now you won’t have to hide your sweet toys in the car

  2. I actually got everything out of the car. It’s in the garage and there was much gnashing by the parents. heh.

    Girlie, we soooo need to hang out!:cool:

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