New Vid

I just finished a new HP vid. While I humbly and frequently acknowledge that HP is not my forte, I’m pleased with the outcome. “How It Ends” uses the music from the Everything Is Illuminated trailer and it’s amazing how well it fits HP. I think this vid is more of a moody vid than anything and I hope you like it if you see it. There are more details about it on ZeroMuch 😉

Alert: Good Vids

For anyone who hasn’t checked out the Recs on ZeroMuch lately, I just wanted to say that I’ve reorganized the recs by fandom. In addition to the recs I’ve already listed, has just posted a hypnotizing Sawyer/Jack vid set to Tom McRae’s “A & B” that’s just awesome.

Not going anywhere for the holiday weekend? Check out the vids! 😉

What’s Goin’ On

Work is going well. I corresponded with the chair of the department at Marshall U. and he may be able to help me out. If it works out, I’ll be around here even less. I haven’t made a vid in forever and I no ideas for one now. I almost like one of the new Our Lady Peace songs for a HP vid, but in the end, I can’t get past a repeated reference to a telephone. 😆


A lot of comparison has been made between the recent tsunami disaster and the current hurricane disaster. While there are many tales that ring of despair and loss, the comparisons end there.

Having never been to either the tsunami region or the hurricane region, I base my thoughts on world media coverage.

Did the tsunami victims loot guns, televisions, wardrobes, and other NON essential items during their devastation? No. Did the tsunami victims have such a sense of entitlement that they actually looked what are basically gift-horses in the mouth by shooting at them? No. Did the tsunami victims make their countries ashamed of them? No.

This morning, on BBC World News, there was a clip of a New Orleans resident saying, “They got no love for us. If you not a bih-ness, if you not contributing money to them, they got no love,” I was enraged. Not that the woman was wrong to feel desperation, but the damned “Blame the US Government for my problems after they ALREADY pay for my existence” vibe made me physically ill. The generational poverty level sense of entitlement must end if we are to advance in the ever changing world. No one is better than anyone else and no one is exempt from having to reach for higher goals. We do not live in a society that will thrive on the feeling that we are allowed to do nothing to better a situation. We, as a country, MUST change this blame game. It will be our downfall if we don’t.

The world responded en masse to the tsunami victims because they retained their dignity, patience, and humility. We should follow that example.