Hush That Fuss

With the news that the lovely Rosa Parks has passed on, my news seems trivial.

We completed all the upgrades to the house Saturday with no incident. Now I’m just waiting for the appraiser to come back and give the all-clear. Sunday, I decided to buy a sofa. I ended up getting a sofa, loveseat, matching endtable, and matching coffee table. The design has ornate woodwork on all pieces and I can’t wait to have it delivered. I also went nuts and bought a new computer desk for several hundred dollars more than I should have. Oh, well….you only live once. Considering that I spent only $2K or so and I get 17 months interest free, it’s really no big deal anyway. Yup.

I ended up going out (again…grrr) with a bunch of people last night. Dammit, I’m a hermit. I can’t be going out like that all the time. Hmmpf.


I know I have vids to catch up on. has a new J/K AU vid that is going to be awesome. The sneak peek was blissful. has a new LOST vid that I know will be terrific, as all of them have been. I just can’t watch them yet. I’m in a piss poor mood and I won’t enjoy them like I should, but I’ll be there soon, chickies, to watch and comment 😉

In house news, I bought the insulation and GFC receptacles for the house and they’re going in tomorrow. That is the one thing I’m not upset with. I’m getting the appraiser to come back early next week and then we can set closing. I can’t wait to have my own house. Really, my OWN house. Wow. RL is otherwise atrocious. I’m sick of drama, whining, lying, etc. Just quit it, already. Ugh.

Live from UVA

I’m in Charlottesville in the Omni Hotel loving the free high-speed wireless they offer. Unfortunately, I’m retarded and forgot to bring the power cord to my laptop, so as soon as the battery dies, I’m out. I’ll get caught up Tuesday night, so if I miss anything, don’t worry…I’ll be back.

After the first day of the conference tomorow, we’re going to check out Monticello, a place I’ve wanted to see for almost 20 years. I hope we can at least get a good look at it, as it’s open for tours only until 5pm.

Have a good few days without me!

This was the day

This was the day in Middle Earth history that Boromir arrived at Rivendell, spawning some of my most favorite fanfic EVAR. Oh, and this is the day that I stand firm in my commitment to never watch a Bond film (other than the one with Sean Bean). This Craig guy is just blech. Such a disappointment.