I’ve opened a new site, Fanvid-Recs.com, to allow everyday people to recommend great fanvids. I don’t know if it will catch on, but if it does, it would be a really good way to find new fandoms, vids, and vidders. If you can think of a vid that you really really loved, please go ahead and submit it. So far, the only recs listed are my recs from ZeroMuch and I know I haven’t even begun to tap into many fandoms. Thanks!
9 thoughts on “Fanvid-Recs.com Open!”
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Hey chickie! only 9 more days
I’m really looking forward to it. I know it has to have some of the same elements as POA, but I can’t wait to see how much better it is than that piece of drivel.
I watched a special on it last night on HBO it looks like it is going to be an awesome movie! I so exicted:nod::eek::clap:
Girl, I just watched it! It’s going to be GREAT!! :clap: