Favorites Are Good

Stolen from
1. Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/etc. that you’ve had an obsessive fannish love of at some time in your life.
2. Have your friends list guess your favourite character from each item.

1. Lord of the Rings
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Star Wars (OT)
4. My So-Called Life
5. Harry Potter
6. Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches books
7. Real World
8. Star Wars (PT)
9. Stargate
10. LOST
would get all of these correct if only he had a monitor 🙁


Since this is an uncharacteristically maudlin entry, I’m cutting the whole damned thing.

So I went to “Bah Humbug” today. Alone. Meh. Shrader had to work, Flo didn’t check her mail until too late, and Scott went to the wrong play. The performances were great, just as I expected. Going to the play didn’t help my situation at all, though. Arrgh. I haven’t felt lonely (despite my utter alone-ness) in years now–until today. *sigh* I wanted to see Narayan, but he finally earned his degree from UNC and graduated today. Since his bitch mother was involved in the celebration, I decided to forgo the festivities and stay here.

Now I know for a fact that I was the best looking person at the play, yet I was the ONLY person arriving alone, sitting alone, and leaving alone. Suddenly, life began to suck again. I’m sure I’ll snap out of this funk soon, but for now, I’m just going to go feel sorry for myself. I’m really good at it. Bah!

Presents…for me.

I am the most selfish person EVER. Instead of buying gifts for my loved ones, I’ve gone out and bought new things for myself–again. I’ve bought new mattresses, an opulent filing cabinet to match my new desk, and lots of smaller purchases…all for me. At least I bought Hobbit some stuff. That’s a start. :flake: