No Surprise

Well, damn. LOST managed to get me again. Eko’s ep was all I wanted it to be. I just love that character. Anyway, after lightening the frames and capturing the images, I found what was inside the beast (?).


There are a few more, but these were enough to creep me out.

6 thoughts on “No Surprise”

  1. I watched a marathon of lost the other day and i liked it! I sorry about us not getting to hang out today:nonono:
    But like i said before we have every saturday now to hang

  2. Wow good catch. So, wonder if everyone sees their own fears in the moster…? This was my favorite episode so far this season.

  3. I can’t tell if you see your fears, or if it’s scanning your transgressions. Methinks I’d get tired of waiting for it to finish scanning mine… :clown:

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