Always Look Ahead

So like any grad student, I briefly scanned my syllabi to determine when I needed to start working on my coursework.  I checked my COUN 670 outline and saw that I had a 100 word reaction paper due almost two weeks after the start of school.  Coolness.  I glanced at the due date for my first assignment in COUN 672 and saw that it, too, was roughly two weeks away.  Well, this Thursday, my first assignment is due.  I have to read Chapters 1-5 of the text book as well as two very long articles then answer essay questions from the text.  Ack!  I’m *just* getting started on it and I am going to be AWOL from the net until I finish that assignment.  My COUN 670 class is fine, I’ve already sent in my work for it, but this other one is going to be murder.  Ack!

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