Note to self

Find, er, yourself. I’ve been out of the loop in major ways lately. Between work and school, I haven’t done much online. I have no new layouts, no new vids, I rarely comment on journals, heck, I rarely see journals. I sincerely hope that my decade of blogging hasn’t been a phase that I’m slipping out of. Yeah, that ended with a preposition, so what? Anyway, to update:

Lost was fantastic last night. Like Todd said, Eko selecting trees made me giddy. Charlie’s story not boring me to tears pleased me greatly. Locke creeping me out pleased me just as much as anything, and Hurley setting up his story has me looking forward to more from him. Two thumbs up…just like Hurley would do 😉

Fanvid-Recs continues to receive new submissions and we’re up to something like 60 vids now. Nearly all of them are just flawless vids and I’ve been able to see vids from fandoms I haven’t really been in to very much. It’s just how I wanted it to be. Yay!

I rocked my first assignments in each of my classes. I don’t think I should have too much of a problem pulling a couple of “A”s out of them.

Hobbit is doing fine. She’s lost a lot of weight and looks much sleeker, but she’s retained her cuteness. She still wants to overeat, but that’s our fault for feeding her four times her recommended amount daily for the first year and a half of her life.

I’m doing fine, I suppose. I visited Ben and Jesse for a bit which is always a great way to feel alive again. I’m almost considering contemplating getting out of the house more, but I’m not ready to commit to that idea just yet. Heh. Hopefully, I’ll do a little something and have more to write about at some point. Until then…

9 thoughts on “Note to self”

  1. AWW..i know how ya feel i havent been able to anything lately because of work and as of right now i have no plans for saturday so if you wanna hang or something let me know chickie and we will go catch a movie or something like :nod:

  2. I know just how you feel too. Maybe it’s winter blues or something. I’m actually considering taking down my site, but we’ll see. It’s good to know classes are going well for you. Getting out more is always a good thing, always makes me feel loads better, so I highly reccommend it. 🙂

  3. hey chickie-bot, drop me an e-mail with your new address. making out the guest list for the baby shower.

  4. Hey, Shrader…my phone seemed to be fine. Don’t know what could have happened. I’m tied up this weekend and next, but if things change, I’ll let you know ASAP. :nod:

  5. Mel, which site? Euphonies or Wand3rlust? Neither, I hope. Even though I don’t get around much online, I still like to visit your very well done sites (and catch an occasional vid :wink:)

  6. Hey Jenn, I was considering Euphonies, just ’cause I keep feeling like I have nothing good to contribute any more, but after making a post last week I had a few e-mails asking me to keep it open, so I think the site is just going to be update on a “as I can and feel like it” basis until I decide on what I really want to do.

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