Not really a meme, but still swiped from
110-Monchichi X **
109-Micro Machines X
108-Power Rangers
107-Merlin X
106-Pound Puppies X
105-Pictionary X
104-My Buddy
102-Fisher-Price “doctor†kit X
101-Sit & Spin X **
100-Magic 8 Ball X
99-Thumbelina Doll
98-BB guns X
97-Spirograph X *****
96-Pong X
95-Chutes and Ladders X
94-Lazer Tag X
93-Sea-Monkeys X
92-Dominoes X
91-Uno X
90-Model Airplanes X
89-Dungeons and Dragons
88-Care Bears X **
87-RC Cars X
86-Quija Board X
85-My Little Pony X
83-Memory X
82-Little Golden Books X
81-Wooly Willy
80-Baby Alive X
79-Trivial Pursuit X
78-Plastic Army Men X
77-Stickers X **
76-Balsa wood airplanes X
75-Weebles X *****
74-Erector set X
73-Rainbow Brite X
72-Colorforms X **
71-Walkie-talkes X
70-Candy Land X
69-Slip and Slide X
68-Smurfs X
67-Tinker Toys X
66-Risk X
65-Jigsaw Puzzles X
64-Roller Skates X
63-Rubik’s Cube X
62-Game of Life X
61-Operation X
60-Tickle Me Elmo
59-Simon X
58-Mad Libs X
57-Stretch Armstrong X
56-Barrel O Monkeys X
55-Mousetrap X
54-Viewmaster X **
53-He-Man X
52-Speak and Spell X
51-Lincoln Logs X **
50-Game Boy X
49-Clue X
48-Little People X
47-Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle X
46-Hungry Hungry Hippos X
45-Frisbee X
44-Raggedy Ann and Andy X
43-See and Say X
42-Jump Rope X
41-Transformers X
40-Big Wheel X ******
39-Tea Set
38-Pogo Stick X
37-Mattel Classic Football X
36-Strawberry Shortcake X **
35-Tonka Truck X
34-Connect Four X **
33-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
32-Shrinky Dinks X
31-Twister X
30-Battleship X **
29-Cabbage Patch Kids X **
28-Crayola Crayons X **
27-Silly Putty X
26-Lionel Trains X
25-Lite Brite X
24-Water Gun X
23-Nerf X
22-Teddy Bear X
21-Original NES X
20-Atari 2600 X **
19-Easy Bake Oven X
18-Scrabble X
17-Rock Em Sock Em Robots X
16-Etch A Sketch X
15-Matchbox/Hot Wheels X *****
14-Bicycles X
13-Snoopy Sno-cone Machine X **
12-Radio Flyer X
11-Play-Doh X **
10-Whiffleball X
9-Slinky X
8-Yo-Yo X
7-Star Wars figures X ************
6-Monopoly X
5-Mr. Potato Head X
4-GI Joe X
3-Legos X **
1-Hula Hoops X
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