What’s that?

Hey, lookit me, I made a moodtheme! It’s basic, and incomplete, and boring, and all the things a first-time creation SHOULD be, darnit. On first glance, it may seem tough to theme Ronon Dex. He’s just a big meanie, right? If you watch him closely, as I have repeatedly, you’ll find that he’s actually got the cutest expressions. So, um, anyway….

Happy Weekend! I’ll be knocking around with today…finally.

Welcome to the world!

I’d like to take a moment to welcome Christian to this big world. He’s got two of the best parents ever, Todd and Coley, and I’m sure he’ll be showered with love and gifts from everyone who knows him. Can’t wait to meet you, little man!

Spoiled? Me?

Not really a meme, but still swiped from

110-Monchichi X **
109-Micro Machines X
108-Power Rangers
107-Merlin X
106-Pound Puppies X
105-Pictionary X
104-My Buddy
103-“clackers” X
102-Fisher-Price “doctor” kit X
101-Sit & Spin X **
100-Magic 8 Ball X
99-Thumbelina Doll
98-BB guns X
97-Spirograph X *****
96-Pong X
95-Chutes and Ladders X
94-Lazer Tag X
93-Sea-Monkeys X
92-Dominoes X
91-Uno X
90-Model Airplanes X
89-Dungeons and Dragons
88-Care Bears X **
87-RC Cars X
86-Quija Board X
85-My Little Pony X
83-Memory X
82-Little Golden Books X
81-Wooly Willy
80-Baby Alive X
79-Trivial Pursuit X
78-Plastic Army Men X
77-Stickers X **
76-Balsa wood airplanes X
75-Weebles X *****
74-Erector set X
73-Rainbow Brite X
72-Colorforms X **
71-Walkie-talkes X
70-Candy Land X
69-Slip and Slide X
68-Smurfs X
67-Tinker Toys X
66-Risk X
65-Jigsaw Puzzles X
64-Roller Skates X
63-Rubik’s Cube X
62-Game of Life X
61-Operation X
60-Tickle Me Elmo
59-Simon X
58-Mad Libs X
57-Stretch Armstrong X
56-Barrel O Monkeys X
55-Mousetrap X
54-Viewmaster X **
53-He-Man X
52-Speak and Spell X
51-Lincoln Logs X **
50-Game Boy X
49-Clue X
48-Little People X
47-Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle X
46-Hungry Hungry Hippos X
45-Frisbee X
44-Raggedy Ann and Andy X
43-See and Say X
42-Jump Rope X
41-Transformers X
40-Big Wheel X ******
39-Tea Set
38-Pogo Stick X
37-Mattel Classic Football X
36-Strawberry Shortcake X **
35-Tonka Truck X
34-Connect Four X **
33-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
32-Shrinky Dinks X
31-Twister X
30-Battleship X **
29-Cabbage Patch Kids X **
28-Crayola Crayons X **
27-Silly Putty X
26-Lionel Trains X
25-Lite Brite X
24-Water Gun X
23-Nerf X
22-Teddy Bear X
21-Original NES X
20-Atari 2600 X **
19-Easy Bake Oven X
18-Scrabble X
17-Rock Em Sock Em Robots X
16-Etch A Sketch X
15-Matchbox/Hot Wheels X *****
14-Bicycles X
13-Snoopy Sno-cone Machine X **
12-Radio Flyer X
11-Play-Doh X **
10-Whiffleball X
9-Slinky X
8-Yo-Yo X
7-Star Wars figures X ************
6-Monopoly X
5-Mr. Potato Head X
4-GI Joe X
3-Legos X **
1-Hula Hoops X

Weekly Update

Man, I just don’t have much to write about, do I? Today I installed a new thermostat for the heat pump (all by myself, even). I also finally installed the much cooler, Vegas-y light in the Vegas Bathroom. It looks GREAT. I have no doubt it will come crashing down eventually since I didn’t use the right screws, but until that happens, it’s mahvelous. Heh.

Work is going well…almost too well. It *has* to be the calm before the storm, but I’m not complaining. Nope.

Hobbit is doing great. She didn’t like her birthday present, so I sent it to her cousins. She likes her automatic feeder, though, and that’s fabulous. Now I get to sleep in on weekends. I haven’t felt this rested since I moved here.

Have a great week, everyone! :love: