Test Anxiety

Today, I MOWED THE LAWN again. As in “greenery growing from the ground”. Sheesh. Tomorrow, I’m taking the MAT (Miller Analogies Test) for grad school. Apparently, it doesn’t matter that I already have a master’s degree and took the GRE (a MUCH more difficult test). I took the online sample test administered by the testing body and scored 40% better than the minimum required to be accepted, so it shouldn’t be a problem. My brother has to take it tomorrow, too. He’s going to bomb. Heh. He’s never read a book in his life and his vocabulary still consists of “Yo, Dawg, What Up, True Dat” and the like. Actually, he’s genius-level in terms of IQ and will probably do just fine. I think I’ll die if he outscores me.

For those viewing this on my site: New default theme, Doctor Who (of course) and new pics of Hobbit in the gallery.

Happy Tuesday!


Yesterday, Hobbit and I had our two year anniversary and I can’t believe it’s been that long. Here’s to many more years of great companionship.

I went and dl’d and burned all of Doctor Who. I’ve jumped one ep in advance of what’s aired on SciFi and I’m fighting the urge to watch all of them. I’m sure I’ll lose the battle to wait, especially since the new season has already begun on BBC. *le sigh*

There’s A Line

There’s a line…and I’ve crossed it. I know it. I can feel it. The phases I’ve gone through in life- preppy, street, groupie- they’ve all lead to this. I’m in love. With Doctor Who. More specifically, The Doctor. I know it’s a geeky thing. I know I’m not supposed to be this way. I don’t care. I’m going to watch all the Doctor Who vids I can find, get a bunch of icons, and call him my own.

Actually, I remember watching really old Doctor Who eps on PBS after Big Blue Marble when I was a kid. But that Doctor? NOTHING like this one. Nope, not at all. This one is just *guh* with charm and quirkiness. *GUH* I say!

And so it begins.

In other news, I cut my grass for the first time today. Not “cut the grass where I live”; no, I cut MY grass, as in “I own it!” Holy hell, y’all, I own stuff!

Long time, no write

After a fun weekend with and her man, I set about finding stolen vids and clips, of which there were many. is going to prove to be a huge asset in protecting our ideas and hard work.

I had my last class of the semester yesterday, and since I was in his town, I had an overwhelming urge to see , so I did just that. Classwise, I have a 95 going into the final project and as long as I score 42/50 (which will NOT be hard to do), I’ll get an “A” in the class. Since I have 100+ in my other class already, I’m not worried about it, either.

Um, Happy Week, everyone!