Holiday redux

Hob526.jpgThe picture of Hobbit, just another “awww” moment. It’s Memorial Day weekend, and it’s only now that I realize I have less than 3 weeks of work left. We (the counselors) will probably be called in to work an extra week or two, though. Why? To finish scheduling and final transcripts. Now I’ve already finished my part of scheduling, but my cohort, who has a life, hasn’t. I can’t complain too much, though; it is an extra thousand dollars or so.

LOST didn’t really disappoint or wow me, but I’m going to watch next season to see what happens, so I guess they accomplished their goal, eh?

3 thoughts on “Holiday redux”

  1. as always hobb is a cutie..hehe boy oh boy have i been surprised by wendys…i will tell ya later..oh yeah i WILL BE WORKING AT THE WELCH WENDYS THIS COMING WEEK…HEHE

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